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Is My Pelvic Pain Due To A Gynecologic Condition?

Is my pelvic pain due to a gynecologic condition? If you are asking this question, it is time to find answers. When you have the pain and other gynecologic symptoms, it’s always best to talk with a gynecologist like OBGYN Associates of Akron to get answers and discover the cause.

Fibroids And Pregnancy: What You Should Know

The first thing you should know is that you can have fibroids and still successfully become pregnant and carry a child. There can be some issues though, so keep reading to find out what they are. Fibroids and pregnancy: what you should know.

8 Sneaky Signs of Fibroids That You Should Know

The signs of fibroids can be so sneaky that many women have no idea they are there. In fact, according to the NIH or National Institutes of Health, up to 80% of women have fibroids by age 50 and many don’t realize it.

How Fibroids Can Affect Your Fertility

Those non-cancerous tumors made up of cells and muscle known as fibroids can be a quirky lot. Many women with uterine fibroids have no symptoms whatsoever, and some never even know they have them. Others have painful and heavy periods and struggle with discomfort. With all these disparate situations you may be wondering if and